Thread: Coach to Coach
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Old Mon May 28, 2001, 01:45am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Thumbing through my notebook and studying different situations I've had in the past, I found a question I've never gotten an answer to: How much do you allow coaches to talk to each other? Obviously, I'm not talking about before the game, "How's the wife? You guys had much rain at your end of town?"

Here's the situation: Team A is mopping up the floor with Team B. Even the 3rd string of Team A is outscoring the 1st string of Team B. Team A is still pressing full court at 35 points ahead. Even Team A fans are unhappy with it. (I wasn't reffing, just watching, and I could hear the Team A fans behind me). Finally, in frustration, Team B coach stands up and yells down the table, "Hey (name of coach A), I'm glad your team is finally learning how to press". Refs (who were very good and I'm not questioning the no-call) ignored it, although at least one heard it. Okay, I figure, this much must be okay. When it is not okay for one coach to address the other?
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