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Old Thu Jan 27, 2005, 07:18pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Camron Rust
Consider A who has 8 players on the bench. A7 and A8 both played 3 quarters in the JV game and both played in Q1 and Q2 of the varisty game (maxing out their daily eligibility). In the 2nd half, A5 and A6 are both injured leaving A1-A4 in the game. If the coach puts in either of A7 or A8, he'll forfeit the game the moment the ball is made live. He has no eligible players according to the state's rules. While we don't normally get into the state eligibility rules, we shouldn't force a coach to violate them or face a penalty other than playing short.
You know, if a coach plays someone who is ineligible, it's up to the opposing coach to go to the higher authorities and get the forfeit. Would the same be true in the reverse situation? Coach doesn't play someone who is eligible. If it were an issue on that level, this whole thread would be meaningless. We say, "Put her in" Coach says, "No" We go on. If the other coach wants a forfeit, it's his ball to carry.
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