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Old Thu Jan 27, 2005, 04:27pm
dddunn3d dddunn3d is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 109

Today at work I was explaining to a friend(who is only familiar with the basic rules) how the defense could negate a run by obtaining an advantageous fourth out. I described the following play:

Two outs, R3. B1 hits a solid LD to the gap, R3 scores easily. B1 believes that he can advance to 2B on the hit but F8 makes a career play and cuts down B1 sliding into 2B. Three outs, but B1 missed 1B; F4 realizes this and throws the ball to F3 appealing for the fourth out, negating the run(explaining that no run can score if the last out is by force, etc).

He then asked if B1, after being put out, could return and retouch 1B before the defense realizes that the fourth out opportunity exists, thereby keeping the run. I thought about it and I can't recall ever seeing that point addressed anywhere in the books, on the web, etc. I told him that I would probably rule that a batter/runner could not return to correct a baserunning error after he has been put out, but I would appreciate further input/insight from the more experienced members of this board.
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