Originally posted by IAUMP
Originally posted by MJT
B) you had better measure, cuz if they are short of the LTG,
What is there to measure? A34 ran the ball from the A 20 to the B5. It sure looks to me that he reached and passed the LTG. I will agree that you have to make sure both coaches know when the clock will start because it will have a big impact on if B accepts or declines the penalty. I'm not sure but I believe the clock would start on the ready if B declines the penalty.
Boy, I was going the wrong way, no need to measure when he runs 75 yards!
My starting on the snap was when I had the distances messed up. What I was getting at, was if team A did not reach the LTG, then B would have the ball, down it, and game over! If A retains the ball, the clock will start on the RFP.