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Old Thu Jan 27, 2005, 01:51am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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It is a duty of the officials to remove this player:
2-8-3 . . . Remove a player from the game who commits his/her fifth foul (personal and technical).

The coach must be informed for the player to officially be disqualified:
2-8-4 . . . Notify the coach and request the timer to begin the replacement interval, and then notify the player on a disqualification.
4-14-2 . . . A player is officially disqualified and becomes bench personnel when the coach is notified by an official.

You stated that your partner did tell the coach.
If you hadn't told the coach or the scorer hadn't notified the officials, then use 2-11-11 NOTE 2:

The procedure if a player who has committed his/her fifth foul continues to play because the scorer has failed to notify the official is as follows: As soon as the scorer discovers the irregularity, the game horn should be sounded after, or as soon as, the ball is in control of the offending team or is dead. The disqualified player must be removed immediately. Any points which may have been scored while such player was illegally in the game are counted. If other aspects of the error are correctable, the procedure to be followed is included among the duties of the officials.

Since the official did inform the coach, invoke 10-5-3: . . . The head coach shall not permit a team member to participate after being removed from the game for disqualification.

PENALTY: (Art. 3) Two free throws plus ball for division-line throw-in. The foul is charged directly to the head coach. Penalized if discovered while being violated.

The case book play 10.5.3 tells you the same thing.

Unfortunately, I believe that you cannot cancel any points scored by the DQ'd player or his team during the time that he was illegally in the game. 10.1.8 just doesn't apply to this situation.
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