Thu Jan 27, 2005, 01:02am
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
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Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by rainmaker
It's okay to say that about GJV, if you'll also admit the same about BF. Fact is, in both anyone that can play is at the next level up. All that's left is the newbies, the wannabes, the not-quites. At least that's the case in most schools.
I will take a boy's freshman game any night over a girl's varsity game any day. That of course is just an opinion, but there are not nearly enough jump ball situations. You also not have to hear that "ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball," twenty times a night.
Around here the ball, ball, ball thing is dropping way off, especially at the varsity level. But then from what I gather, the level of girls' ball around here is a lot better than where you are. I've got a couple of boys freshman games coming up, and I'm dreading them. Well, they'll be nice for some variety, I guess. But for pure fun and the thrill of the game, I'll be floating high on Monday night. I've got a 4A varsity girls game between 1 and 3 in their league, with 3 improving as the season progresses and 1 struggling. There was an article about it in the paper today, and I'm already starting the pre-game. It'll beat any boys' freshman game all hollow.