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Old Thu Jan 27, 2005, 12:47am
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Adam Adam is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by CentralINRef
7. Sorry this may not be politically corect (I have two daughters that play) but GJV games are just ugly most of the time.

9. Last but not least. I LOVE this thing we call work. I can't wait to get there every night. Just something about it I don't know if it is working for the kids or just being on the field of play again but I an hooked. It may kill me but what a way to go.
It's okay to say that about GJV, if you'll also admit the same about BF. Fact is, in both anyone that can play is at the next level up. All that's left is the newbies, the wannabes, the not-quites. At least that's the case in most schools.

Yup, Snacks, he's hooked. Reel him in, and cook him. (Baby keeping you up tonight? Or did you have another great game?)
No game tonight. Wednesday is my night off this week. Enjoyed some TV time with the lovely and gifted one, and am checking the board before I hit the sack. Baby's not due until August, but when Momma ain't sleeping well....
Tomorrow I get thrown back into reality. Frosh girls double header; local powerhouse program vs "not so much." I may have to break up the night with a T just to stay focused.
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