Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Daryl H. Long
And I consider Nevadaref's argument that "eligible" is not specifically defined in rule book to be a specious argument at best and only used to deflect comment away from the real issue that he usually doesn't know what he is talking about.
So you don't agree with what he says in this thread, so that means that "he usually doesn't know what he is talking about?"
You know what Rev? That's bull$hit. And I don't mind telling you that it is.
NVRef is a valuable contributor to this board. He and I don't always see eye to eye but personally, I think has a very good understanding of the rules and how to apply them. To date, he's certainly contributed a whole lot more to this site than you have.
I gotta agree with BBR...we might not see eye to eye (or is that an eye for an eye)

on this issue, but NevadaRef does
USUALLY know what he is talking about.
Give him a break Rev.