Originally posted by BPorter
Now I am confused. What I have read implies that if the infielders do not have a reasonable chance to catch the ball, for example a ball hit in the hole, and it hits the runner, then the runner is out, because the first player to have a reasonable chance at the ball is the outfielder.
It seems to contradict the Rules 5.1.f1, 5.1.f2 and 8.4.2k.
In particular 8.4.2k states that "The runner is out when contacted by a fair ball before it touches an infielder, or after it passes any infielder, except the pitcher and the umpire is convinced that another infielder has a play".
I would stand by my call of letting play continue, even though the ball passed more than 5 feet from the 3rd baseman and shortstop.
I do not do FED rules, just OBR. Your quote of FED Rule 8.4.2k appears to be the same as the OBR. If you were doing an OBR game, your call would be wrong. Not knowing the FED interp, or case book examples on that, I can't comment. However, I think it is the same as the OBR. G.