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Old Mon Jan 24, 2005, 07:01pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by blindzebra
Originally posted by WyMike
It's these marginal one way or the other type of plays that are being addressed in the thread.

I kind of like the response by mick: Was B1 moving toward A1? If yes, foul on B1.
Was A1 put at a disadvantage, (ie, being on the floor caused by the action of B1)? If yes, foul on B1.

With no one falling, was A1 displaced or put at a disadvantage (ie, stumbling or displaced and unable to retrieve the ball) when the contact occurred? If yes, foul on B1. If no, incidental.

No, the fact that BOTH coaches wanted a foul is a good indication that your no-call was 100% correct.

Be in position and see the ENTIRE play, and judge. We can all throw, "If it is this you call that," stuff at you, but you still have to judge the play on what you saw.
My philosophy is, if the coach or more than one parent is screaming, "Get her off!! She's all over her!!" I got nothin'.
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