Originally posted by WestMichBlue
" is silly (or at least unnecessary"
And my opinion hasn't changed. I call it, and I teach it - but it's still a dumb rule.
One sentence could replace four. Simply interpret the cessation of the forward motion (running towards the RF fence) as the one stop allowed under the LBR. When the runner turns back towards the infield they have had their one stop; now make a decision, and proceed non-stop to 1B or 2B.
Who cares which way the runner turns? When the pitcher does not have the ball, the rulebook is void of any reference to direction of turn when the runner overruns 1B and is protected back to the base. So why in H create directions in the rules just because the pitcher has the ball in the circle. And why have three different rules when the runner turns left? ? ? ?
Silly? Unnecessary? Dumb? Take your pick; all adjectives apply.
Just another sticky situation that can be avoided by killing the ball once all obvious play is over!!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.