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Old Mon Jan 24, 2005, 12:44pm
wwcfoa43 wwcfoa43 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 183
[Canadian Ruling]

1a) The face mask can be applied at point of foul or at point ball dead. A fumble from the end zone to out of bounds is an offside pass subject to penalty. Team A can choose whether to enforce this or not. So we have multiple choices on enforcement:

- UR at PF, OP choice doens't matter: L15 from the B20. B ball at the B35.

- UR at PBD, OP declined: L15 from B4. B ball at the B19.

- UR at PBD, OP accepted: L15 from B20. B ball at the B35.

So B is best to enforce from PF.

1b) Again, the face mask can be applied at point of foul or at point ball dead. A fumble from the end zone to the field of play is an offside pass BUT IS NOT subject to penalty. So we have:

- UR at PF: L15 from the B20. B ball at the B35.

- UR at PBD: L15 from wherever the ball goes dead (question does not specify).

BLOOD RULE: The Canadian blood rule allows for an OFFICIAL's time out not to exceed two minutes to allow a player to be dealt with. If he can be dealt with in two minutes then he can play, otherwise he must be substituted for.

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