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Old Mon Jan 24, 2005, 10:58am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Originally posted by tigereye711
Ok, Steelers vs. Patriots. Patriots running back, Corey Dillon, runs for a first down and goes out of bounds. The clock stops at 9:59. CBS shows replays and, when they return, the clock is at 9:42 and going down. When do they decide when they start the clock?

The Steelers lost, yipee!!! I hate Steelers, boo Steelers. Go Browns!
In the NFL, if a runner carries the ball out of bounds, the clock then starts when the new ball is placed between the inbounds marks. This rule does not apply to (I think) the last 2 minutes of the 1st half or the last 5 minutes of the 2nd half.
Mike Sears
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