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Old Sat Jan 22, 2005, 06:52pm
TravelinMan TravelinMan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Lawton, OK
Posts: 505
Originally posted by Jimgolf
If you are uncomfortable with a weak partner, it may be that you are reluctant to take charge of the crew. You have to get past this. One thing that might help is to come into each game thinking that you are always the best official on the floor (no matter who your partners are) and that you need to lead the crew at all times. It's sometimes easier to adjust from this attitude to a more egalitarian attitude when you are in fact partnered with stronger partners than to try to raise your game when you learn that you have weaker partners.

As far as travelling, just wait for one of these jump stop bunny hop moves and call a walk whether you see one or not. If we all call this a walk all the time, we can get rid of this move once and for all so that we don't have to waste brain cells figuring it out.
I think Jim said it --- it is all about leadership. Top officials have outstanding leadership qualities. With weaker partners, they know how to motivate their partners, build their confidence, give them good advice on where they need to improve on their game. LEADERSHIP

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