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Old Fri Jan 21, 2005, 10:06pm
refnrev refnrev is offline
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Snake Eyes,
As for a travel, everyone has some different cues and things they look for. For me, a few are as follows:
1. Shuffling
2. Happy feet
3. Too many steps
4. Forgetting to put the ball on the floor.
5. Backing up when very closely guarded.
6. Little hops
7. Dragging a foot(usually accompanied by a little hop)
8. Too many steps when in traffic - especially when driving to the lane.
9. Too many steps when bringing down a long pass.

These are only a few of the times you are apt to see a travel. I also watch for any unusual break in the rythmn and flow. It doesn't always signal a travel by any means, but it can certainly be a red flag for one.

Also, be sure to keep in mind that in my experience I have found that most of the people in the stands yelling travel are wrong -- just like they are with 3 seconds. I heard both of those from the stands ad nauseum last night.

As for your performance, I know I often feel the same way you do. I felt that way all day today. I've had 3 AD's tell me they have hooked me up with new refs or weaker partners because I could handle it. My ego was stroked by their vote of confidence, but I was very tired at the end of those games. One AD told me to take care of my partner last week. I groaned. However, weaker and new do not always go hand in hand. I've worked with two young guys this year - both in their second year who are doing outstanding officiating, and in one game one might have made better calls than me. A weak partner with questionable calls, mistakes, weak mechanics always makes me feel like as a team we did not do as well. The main thing is to not let it undermine your confidence. Coaches fans, and players will all pick up on that and it starts a feeding frenzy. Remember the two of you are a team, so work hard to be as competent and professional as you possibly can be. I try to evaluate their weaknesses and see if they refelct any of my own that I need to work on.
I also am very grateful to work with better and more gifted officials. I try to glean everything I can from them by watching them on the court and talking with them in the locker room. Keep your head up. Nobody has a great night every time out. To quote a song by Mark Chestnut, "I'm ordinary on most days; extraordinary on some days...but my mom thinks I'm a saint!

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