Thread: held ball
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Old Thu Jan 20, 2005, 01:27pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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No, that's not true, Trigger.

A held ball occurs when:
An opponent places his/her hand(s) on the ball and prevents an airborne player from throwing the ball or releasing it on a try.

4.25.2 SITUATION: A1 jumps to try for goal or to pass the ball. B1 leaps or reaches and is able to put his/her hands on the ball and keep A1 from releasing it. A1: (a) returns to the floor with the ball; or (b) is unable to control the ball and it drops to the floor.

RULING: A held ball results immediately in (a) and (b) when airborne A1 is prevented from releasing the ball to pass or try for goal.

Did B1 prevent the ball from being released for a try? Yes. Held ball. Whether she returns to the floor with the ball, releases it or passes it, a held ball has occurred as B1 prevented the release of the shot.
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