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Old Wed Jan 19, 2005, 12:47pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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There are times when a coach can bring something to my attention that I may have missed. Or I may have been watching it anyway and passed on it for various reasons.
However, there is a major difference between that and having "make-up calls." That may happen in YMCA or Middle School games, but you won't see it at all levels.
As for "outside" influences. You're talking about two completely different things.
1. Local or State associations having some say in how the game is called. You're right, they absolutely can and should affect how we call certain things. You're talking about the organizations that set the interpretations.

2. Coaches b!tching and getting calls because of it. Once again, this may happen at lower levels. But not in my games. I'll tell you right now, I don't get worked. I may have a coach trying and I might even ignore him. However, if I'm ignoring him I won't likely hear his timeout requests. A good official doesn't succomb to this "outside influence."
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