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Old Tue Jan 18, 2005, 08:43pm
thumpferee thumpferee is offline
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Originally posted by rviotto13
Okay guys, just got back from a JV game and here is what happened. during the game which was a close one i hear a parent *****ing about calling the game fair, both ways etc. I ignore it and continue on. At half time myself and my partner are sitting on the bench as teams are in the locker room, the stands are on the opposite side so a parent comes up to us and says are you guys paid for this or is it volunteer. I told him we were paid and he continued to say "then that explains why you are not calling the game fair" etc.

I told him his place is in the stands and if you cannot act like an adult then maybe you should leave the gym, he told me to "go to hell" so i told the athletic director and the AD escorted the parent (nice role model) to leave the gym.

Did i do the right thing, should i have ignored it??

Any thoughts
How bout this response..."I am definitely not getting paid to answer your questions"!

Or, "What difference does that make?

I just thought of this one, "you paid more to get in the game than I get to have to listen to you".

Yeh, I'm in one of my moods.

How bout since he is on the floor and in your face, you just punch him or body slam'em to the ground. Hell, fans do it to officials and the courts slap them on the hands.

hmmmmm. I wonder if.....

Nahhh...Officials have way too much integrity to do that!

[Edited by thumpferee on Jan 18th, 2005 at 08:57 PM]
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