although I don't have my rule book with me (if someone does, it might help to post the actual rule to help paxonref out), the rules support shooting the FT if we, as officials, believe the intent was to shoot the ball when the foul occured. It does not matter what the player did after the whistle. As BktBallRef states, who cares what the coach or fans think. We need to call the play according to the rules. I think we need to have the intestinal fortitude to make the unpopular call when it needs to be made, otherwise you are penalizing one team or the other. If you are just ruling it a pass because ulitmately he passed the ball (after the contact) once the player realized he could not get a decent shot off, you are not doing your job in my opinion. This is where we as officials have to excercise judgement.
Instead of the half-court jump analogy (which I don't think fits very well here) lets consider the continuation play which Bktball ref alludes to. If I, as an official, feel as though the player has started his motion to shoot the ball, he then abosorbs contact, I let him finish the play and if he scores the bucket is good and we shoot 1. Again this is my judgement (much like the original post) as to whether or not I feel as though he has started his shooting motion.