I agree that our integrity is our most coveted possesion. With that in mind I disagree with your assesment that it is ok to turn back a game to move up a level but not laterally to a championship game. It is either ok or it isn't, the reason why isn't important. When he said he was going to be out of town it was ok with you, but when you found out he worked another game that is when the issue arose. He didn't lie to you, he just didn't tell the entire truth. If he had told you he had an opportunity to work that game, would you have let him out of his game with you?
I personally think he should have told you why he wanted out, and let you decide to find someone...but over all I see a lot of inconsistency in your thinking, and I wouldn't really get too excited about what he did...maybe keep it in mind in the future however.