Mon Jan 17, 2005, 12:35pm
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Originally posted by Dakota
Originally posted by ajcr55
Took the TASO softball test today and there were two questions I felt were incorrectly graded.
10. When interference is called on a runner for interfering with a foul fly ball, the runner is out and a strike is called on the batter.
TASO scored as true. I feel correct answer should be false. According to rule 8-13-exception a foul ball is called, not a strike. Makes a difference if 2 strikes on the batter.
11. A dead ball is called if runner is tagged out after being obstructed.
TASO scored as true. I feel correct answer is false. Not always will a dead ball be called if the runner makes the base that the umpire feels they would have obtained.
True/false test writers should be required to demonstrate an understanding of logic. My answers here would have been the same as ajcr55's, based on the knowledge that T/F questions are frequently trickily worded making it necessary to read carefully.
wrt Mike's answer on #11... while it is true that once a runner's protection is dropped, she is no longer an "obstructed runner" - note the question does not use that term. It refers to a "runner ... after being obstructed." "After being obstructed" is still true after protection is dropped. I'm sure they meant "obstructed runner" but that is not what they said in the question.
Glen, wrt your test question on the catcher blocking the base, the answer is definitely false, since the question has nothing to do with what the catcher actually did. It has to do with the umpire's explanation. Intent has no bearing on obstruction, hence the answer is false.
Tom, Agree. It just should be noted that if the catcher had the
ball, no problem. Without the ball - violation.
And the second on DP is the classic trick question. You must read it carefully. The DP does NOT leave the game, since the lineup remains at 10.
The answer sheet we received showed this to be false. Guess they
were caught in their own trickery.
glen _______________________________
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