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Old Mon Jan 17, 2005, 11:13am
jtarantine jtarantine is offline
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Posts: 27


I just wanted the correct rules interprutation on a situation that happened to me this past Friday. Boys Junior Varsity game, in Ohio.

Player A fouls player B. Team B is in the bonus and will be shooting 1 and 1. After player B gets fouled, player B one hand shoves player A. Technical fould called on player B. The technical foul gives player B 5 fouls.

Now, the question is: Does player B get to shoot the one and one since that foul occurred BEFORE his technical foul, and we are supposed to execute the shots in the order that the fouls occurred? Or, is player B gone and a sub shoots the 1 and 1? I checked rule 8.2 and it is still unclear to me, and the case book didn't have anything specific regarding the situation.

Thanks in advance!
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