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Old Sat Jan 15, 2005, 09:56pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by evrclear02
Thank you for the response, although I'm still trying to interpret the rule in the context of my scenario.
In accordance with Ref Daddy's post, it is apparent that Team control is a requirement leading to an over-and-back violation.

Now look at the definitions of player control and of team control:
  • Rule 4-12-1 A player is in control of the ball when he/she is holding or dribbling a live ball in bounds.
  • Rule 4-12-2 A team is in control of the ball when a player of the team is in control.
  • Rule 4-12-6 Neither team control nor player control exists during a dead ball, throw-in, a jump ball, or when the ball is in flight during a try or tap.

    In your case there was no team control during the throw-in nor was there team control by any of your teammates who had not held or dribbled the live ball inbounds until it was retreived in the back court.
    It is easy to see there was no team control while the ball was in your front court. Player/Team control originated in your back court.
    Thus, there could be no over-and-back violation. The ball never went over. It only went back.
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