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Old Wed May 16, 2001, 03:18pm
llblue llblue is offline
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3-Man Mechanics

I'm confused as to why U2 would ever be in B, I think you meant C or mod C if you're a veteran.

Live Ball:

No runners: U1= A U2= D
R1 only: U1= A U2= C or mod C
R2 only: U1= B U2= D or mod D
R3 only: U1= A U2= D

If you're playing on a 60' diamond there is never a need to go out. The only one going out should be U2 in a four man crew.

If your crew does decide to go out for whatever reason, remember to rotate. If U1 goes out from A, PU covers mod A, U2 covers plate.

Remember to stay one base ahead of the runner at all times. Button hook in only when needed. You can certainly get a good look at a play in mod D without becoming part of the play.

Between Innings:
U1 and U2 are stationed in the ready position about 15 feet behind the outfielders, inside the line away from any spectators.

Most evaluators look for that, most umpires fail to to do that. It just looks good.

If you're not used to it, U2 in a 3-man is the most difficult position to be in. Mirror everything you'd do as U1 and you should be resonably ok.

Make sure you position yourself were you can see the entire plate area and are not blocked by a coacher or other personnel. It is a playoff game, you are entitled to move any media who may be in the way.

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