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Old Thu Jan 27, 2000, 01:24am
b_silliman b_silliman is offline
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I admire your association's 'balls' in deciding to handle the situation in the way you stated. However, officials jurisdiction only applie to player involved in the game in which they are assigned to offiate, not the following one or like Ron P. said, tomorrow's J.V. game.

If the players did not stop dunking or would not leave the floor then that is the time to write a note to your commissioner/scheduler, however your association does it.

As to the liability issue, once you have told the players to leave the floor you have discharged your responsibility. I would find game management and tell them to handle the job of removing the players.

I would tell the officials for the game following what transpired just to let them know that players were dunking since it could happen prior to 'their' game, but would not suggest any penalties.

Let's not get too deep in over our heads in administrating NFHS rules. When we become 'literalistic' rather than 'realistic' we get in trouble!

And this was a good discussion.
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