Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
What I am saying is that there is a rules book and there is a casebook of plays. Casebook plays tell us how to apply the rules. I will not dispute that the fact that the NFHS and NCAA Mens Rules Committees have given us a ruling (or interpretation, if you will) telling us how to handle this situation. It is a bad interpretation and I cover the situation in my pre-game conferences so as to avoid such a situation, if it occurs. If the play was to appear on a test I would instruct my student officials to answer the question per the Casebook Play, but I would also teach them how to avoid such situations. Calling BLARGE a double foul does not address the problems that cause such a situation. And I have to give credit to the NCAA Womens Rules Committee to recognize what the real problem is in this play and come up with a better solution.
MTD, Sr.
NCAA women also puts 4 eyes on a match up, during leads rotation, that can lead to more double whistles, and makes a blarge MORE LIKELY to happen.