Thread: Missed base
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Old Wed May 16, 2001, 12:35pm
Patrick Szalapski Patrick Szalapski is offline
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Re: The ridiculous to prove the point

Originally posted by mikesears
Using fed rules:

What would you call if the F4 went over to 2B and bent over the bag and put his body over the bag to prevent R1 from touching 2B. R1 cannot touch the bag without hurting F4 so R1 comes close to touching the bag and heads to 3B.

My guess is that enforcing the automatic out would cause a huge ****house.

I hope the original situation never happens to me but if it does and defensive skipper comes out, I'm going to tell him, "Coach, the obstruction came before the missed base therefore we a penalizing the first infraction which caused the second infraction."
That isn't so ridiculous, becuase the fundamentals of the situation haven't changed; that example is indeed illustrative of this issue.

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