Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by ripcord51
Wepner tells real stories and gives hilarious anecdotes you wouldn't believe! He's got an infectious sense of humor, "The day of the Ali fight I bought my wife a powder-blue negligee and told her ' wear this tonight cause you'll be sleepin' with 'da heavyweight champion of the world.' That night after the bloody fight his wife humorously busted balls, 'Do I go to his room, or will he be commin'' to mine now?!"
Cute story. Basketball related? Who's chuck wepner?
The Bayonne Bleeder, apparently the inspiration for Sylvester Stallone's Rocky character.
Sometime last week I saw a replay of the Ali-Wepner fight. I'm not a fight fan but I was amazed at the pounding Wepner took in that fight and still hang in there. He did manage to knock Ali down (9th?) but was KO'ed in the 15th.