Fri Jan 14, 2005, 11:21am
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Originally posted by mcrowder
Here's why I see that sitch different, MJT.
On the play where a QB is back to pass in the endzone, and a lineman holds (or QB intentionally grounds), the hold (or grounding) actually may have prevented a defender from tackling the QB. What happens if he tackles the QB? A safety. It is possible for the defense to score on this play if there's no penalty. So the penalty for illegally preventing a safety should be a safety.
On the play where a player intercepts a ball in the EZ (or catches a punt, recovers a fumble, etc), if his team fouls while he's in the EZ, that foul prevented what? A touchback. Not a safety. It is NOT possible for the other team to score on this play barring further action (player exits and reenters EZ, fumbles, etc.). To award the other team 2 points where they otherwise could not have scored 2 points simply due to a foul is, as stated above, ludicrous. The penalty for illegally preventing a Touchback is a Safety? Preposterous.
I see your point, and agree somewhat, but what I was trying to describe by the hold on the rt and pass on the left, and the BIB in the EZ and runner at the 5 is that those penalties "would not" prevent a safety, so how should they be handled??