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Old Fri Jan 14, 2005, 05:54am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Re: But not after the 15-second horn

Originally posted by Rick Durkee
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by Snaqwells
Originally posted by BamaRef
Okay, I haven't read all the post on this subject but my quuestion is why not just have a defensive match up to begin the third quarter. A captain may request this match up and if the coach still doesn't like it, he just puts a player in that best suits his situation.

Am I way off?
Only problem is that once they put their players out to start the 2nd half, they can't sub until the clock starts.
Reference, please.

As long as the new sub wasn't one of the player's replaced, substitutions can be made.
... but not after the horn at 15 seconds. For match-up purposes, a coach may want to know if the other team's 6-10 center, who has three fouls from the first half, is going to start the second half. If he has to wait until the players go onto the court to find out, by rule, he can't know about the match-up in time to change his own. It would be too late to substitute until until after the clock has started and then there is another opportunity to substitute. Right? Or am I way off?

Hey, this is my 50th post. Is there any award for that? Or, at least one that does not involve squirrel anatomy? How about some of those cookies from rainmaker?

[Edited by Rick Durkee on Jan 13th, 2005 at 11:03 AM]
Well, Rick, you're right, except that Snaqwells failed to consider that either team could take a time-out and then substitutes could be made before the clock starts in the second half.
Bob, the halftime intermission is treated just like a lone time-out. Once the warning horn sounds, no more subs.
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