Originally posted by Bob M.
#1 - I know what the Fed case book says about this play, but I've decided that if it happens in my game, I'm not ruling anything. That's my way of protesting the half-a$$ed way the Fed has decided to deal with it. At least the NCAA has decided to codify this situation in their rules. [Sorry, but I've had a five-year vent about this specific play and the Fed's handling of it.]

#2 - A22's participation in the next down is legal. Excessive blood is treated the same way as an injured player. And the only restriction on an injured player's participation is when the official stops the clock because he discovers an apparently injured player. In this case, the player himself discovered the injury so the restriction on his next play's participation is immaterial.
What is "I'm not ruling anything" in #1. I know you may not like what NF says, but who and where are you going to give the ball to for the next play? What do YOU want to do in #1?