My letter reads as follows:
Assault (n.) 1. a sudden violent attack 2. an UNLAWFUL attempt or threat to do bodily harm.
Sports Official (n.) 1. a person holding an office or charged with certain duties (enforcing the sports rules).
Assault on a Sports Official 1. an UNLAWFUL attempt or threat to do bodily harm on a person holding an office or charged with certain duties (enforcing the sports rules)
How is it possible not to consider body slamming a person dressed in a stripped shirt and black pants (i.e. the universal attire of a basketball official) assault on a sports official? Seriously, what is it going to take? A man to get killed -- who loves the game of basketball, officiating, and helping kids -- by a fan just because a foul isnt called on his kid. Based on the criteria used to decide this case, a basically good guy could then body slam a judge that he disagreed with and be acquitted of this charge. With this, there would be no need to serve any jail time. How many judges do you think would agree with this? I would be willing to bet NONE of them would. This is because there are laws in place to protect judges and their duties and when a situation towards a judge occurs, these laws are carried out harshly so that other situations dont occur. There are also laws in place to protect sports officials and their duties. However, they dont do any good if you dont enforce this laws and show the public that they will be used. This verdict is absolutely absurd; and people wonder why our great country is headed in a downward spin.