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Old Thu Jan 13, 2005, 01:34pm
BBall_Junkie BBall_Junkie is offline
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Originally posted by tmp44
I know one thing, this verdict today doesn't give me any hope about the sitch I described that happened to me in my original post. One of the reasons why I haven't pressed charges yet is because I wanted to see how the trial ended. Just doesn't give me much of a motivation to do it now, I guess.
tmp44. this would give me more motivation. if you (read: we as officials) let verdicts like this discourage us from filing legitimate charges (legitimate is key, cuz I disdain BS and frivolous judicial issues) then we will not gain any ground and in fact we may lose ground. I say follow through with whatever action is appropriate despite the outcoume of this case. If we make enough noise.... someone, eventually, has to hear it.

Weigh the details and if you would have followed through with charges had this case never existed, you should still follow through. If not, let it go and move on. My opinion.
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