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Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 09:20pm
kristal_15 kristal_15 is offline
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I was reffing a youth league game (9-12yrs old) earlier today which took a bad turn about halfway through the game. I was doing the game solo and one player had a little too much attitude than I liked which seemed to be increasingly getting worst as the game continued. The league had told me previously that they did not want us to give out T's to premote sportsmanship (???? How that makes sense I do not know???)

Then I noticed one little african american boy seemed to be getting hacked a lot during the game. I don't believe it was on purpose, most of the kids were still learning the basics of defence. So I simply explained to the kids that they would have to stop hacking like that or else someone will get hurt (This wasen't a competitive league... more developmental). Then I simply explained the basic concept of defense to the kids after being asked by the coaches to do so. The kids seemed to understand but the player with the attitude then walked past the african american boy and said loudly " Not that it really matters anyway, he's only a N[racial slur]". I turned around stunned as the same kid came next to me expecting me to hand him the ball to inbound and laugh with him.

I automatically blew my whistle, and called a T. I told the boy to leave the court and talked with his coach who agreed with me 100%. The coach then told the kid to find his parents and that they would have to talk to the convenor in charge about his penality but for now would have to leave.

This is where it really gets interesting, after the game the convenor and the boys parents come to talk to me, for what I thought, was a to file out and incedent report or tell them what happend. But instead I find them asking me why I called a T, and how I should have handled the situation differently.

I told them flat out that I stood by what I did and that I knew that I shouldn't expect the same level of play and [I say this VERRRRY loosely] mature demeanor of the older levels of play. But I do expect and demand a certain respect from anyone (coach, player, parent) towards me and their fellow players. The kid needed to be taught that that behaviour was unacceptable and there will be consequences.

Oh and of course, the father went on about kids will be kids, but it was clear where the kid had gotten it from. They both eventually walked away knowing that I stood by what I called. But I couldn't help but shake my head as I saw my friend and referee telling another kid to watch his language on another court.

Just a vent I guess, or maybe asking if I handled this correctly?

I'm guessing that this is only gonna get worse as I get older (I'm 16), hopefully those grey hairs won't be popping up anytime soon
You gotta love what you do!