Originally posted by Bob M.
While the Federation answer for this one is pretty trivial, the NCAA answer will require some thought:
PLAY: 4th down, A12 punts from his 10. Ball is blocked and rolls into the end zone. A12 recovers in the EZ but then fumbles. Ball rolls out to the 2 and comes to rest. A diving Team B player muffs the ball (not a bat) and ball is knocked back into the EZ where A44 recovers and advances for an apparent 1st down.
NCAA. Ruling: A's ball 1st and 10 at the 20. Reason: The impetus for the ball being in the end zone is from the muff by team B of the "at rest" ball. The recovery by A44 causes the ball to become dead due to the 4th down fumble rule. By rule the ball will come back to the spot of the fumble which is in the end zone in which the impetus was provided by team B.