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Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 01:54pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Location: Alton, Iowa
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Originally posted by Bob M.
If for no other reason but to get us away from the pylons, here's two multi-part questions to ponder. Remember that FED and NCAA might differ.

(1) K1 punts from his own end zone. The kick is blocked in flight so that:

a. ball goes over K’s end line
b. ball is recovered by R1 in K’s end zone
c. ball is recovered by K1 in K’s end zone
d. ball is blown dead in K’s end zone with no one in possession (not inadvertently)
e. ball is recovered jointly by K and R in K’s end zone.

(2) K1's punt from his end zone is coming down in flight on K's 15 (beyond the neutral zone) where R2 muffs it in flight and it:

a. goes out of bounds on K's 1 yard line last touched by K
b. rebounds into K's end zone and across the end line
c. is recovered in K's end zone by R
d. is recovered in K's end zone by K
e. is blown dead in K’s end zone with no one in possession (not inadvertently)
f. is recovered jointly by opponents in K’s end zone.
For NF, my quick reply would be
1a) Safety
1b) TD
1c) Safety
1d) Safety, but would be R's ball if no one was in poss and it was IB's between goal lines
1e) TD

2a) R's ball at K's 1 yard line
2b) Safety - not a new force unless kick was grounded
2c) TD
2f) TD

Off the top of my head, I don't think any differences for NCAA, but not quite as well versed in NCAA rules yet.

Bob, please add to McGriffs as well.

[Edited by MJT on Jan 11th, 2005 at 05:57 PM]
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