Thread: Youth League
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Old Tue Jan 11, 2005, 12:55am
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Originally posted by LarryS

As for the role model issue. The role model in a kids life should be his/her parents and maybe their pastor/rabbi/priest. If you feel the need to have your kids look at others for examples why not have them look to a young man or woman who has agreed to risk EVERYTHING, including their life, in order to protect and preserve their way of life.


We don't look to people like Van Cliburn, Jay Leno, Tom Cruise, etc. to be role models for our kids. They have also been blessed with a gift to entertain. So why look to a 19 year old kid the can play basketball/football/baseball?

I'll get off my soap box now...sorry
This is all fine, dandy, true, and yet not really the point. You're right, kids should be able to look up to there parents. The problem is, many can't; and many can but don't. We can deny or ignore this all we want by saying kids should look up to and emulate their pastors and teachers and coaches; and many kids do (for good and ill). However, the fact remains that many kids do emulate professional athletes. The fact remains that a lion's share of the professional athletes' salaries derive from that adulation and adoration. The fact remains that Allen Iverson is payed millions of dollars to play basketball because kids look up to him. The same can be said of every single NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB player out there.
At the very least, their behavior on the court will be emulated by kids who want to play like the stars.
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