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Old Sun Jan 09, 2005, 09:01pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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I've been gone all day and just checking back in now. My tendency is to call like Mark does, because that seems the best to me. I also know that there are lots and lots of assignors who see a different game than I do, and they want things called differently. If I want to work for them, and I might, I need to learn to see it their way. In this particular game, it was a chance for me to practice this. The one team was way ahead, so one way or the other wouldn't significantly hurt the game. The star that we "kept in" was on the losing team, so we weren't taking the game away from anyone. Frankly, Mark, there were a couple of bumps that I didn't call, although I might have earlier in the game. Maybe I should n't have called them earlier, so it was okay not to now. Maybe I shouldn't have let them go. But it was good to think about things from this angle in a game where I didn't have to worry about swinging the game. I know, I know, the ref doesn't "decide" the game. i just mean it was nice not to have to worry myself about it.
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