2 Issues herein: 1) Ref handling situation and 2) lopsided game based on player skills.
Issue 1 was addressed. What about issue 2?
Managing a blowout can be real difficult. Having a player with a future in basketball working against munchkins half their size from the drama club is a real trick.
One cannot penalize a kid for being dominant, nor can you disadvantage underachievers or skill challenged for trying hard when they are obviously outmatched.
You know your in trouble when the coach of the loosing team starts asking the referee's to "assist" in staying competitive by swaying interpretations. In short asking for favoritism.
Coachs should develop and communicate strategies that maximize opportunity to win a contest with what they have. Hey a foul is a foul, position is position, fundamentals are fundamentals even if I'm 1-on-1 with Michael Jordan.
Common in High School games.
"Sports do not build character. They reveal it" - Heywood H. Broun
"Officiating does not build character. It reveal's it" - Ref Daddy