Fri Jan 07, 2005, 01:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Alton, Iowa
Posts: 1,796
Originally posted by Middleman
Originally posted by Bob M.
REPLY: And now the $64,000 question...some of you have seen it before on the NFHS Discussion Board:
1) A scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone is rolling loose near B's goal line and is untouched by B. A21 momentarily grabs A23's jersey and pulls him out of the path to the ball, or pushes him in the back, so he (A21) can down it and keep it from entering B's end zone. RULING??
No problem. A23 is not an opponent. Send the check to the relief fund.
Seriously, A(K) is technically not entitled to possess the ball so these acts when committed by A21 on B23 as described are not legal.
Oh boy, here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!