Just adding to what Chuck and Rob are saying: as a POE this year, it is our responsibility to start calling these technical fouls (even though, as has been discussed in other threads, many of us would prefer that it be a violation rather than a T).
Tuesday night, boys varsity, I called a T for going out of bounds when two teammates were running a crossing pattern (from wing to wing) underneath the basket. One player, to avoid running into his teammate, ran WAY wide (around me, in fact!). When I reported the foul, the scorer motioned me over and asked what I was calling. I explained. The timer asked if it was a new rule. "No, but it *is* a point of emphasis this year." At least both coaches knew and understood!
It wasn't the situation that started this thread, but let me just remind the less experienced officials who are reading this: If A1 has the ball at her/his disposal for a designated spot throw in, and any other player from Team A steps out of bounds before the throw in ends (or is it on the release? - I need to go find my book...), *that* is a violation.
Happy officiating!