Originally posted by Snaqwells
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by BktBallRef
3 hurricanes, no tornados.
You take the good with the bad.
74 and sunny is pretty damn good!
I'll take my 74 and sunny in the summer. At least I know when I get home on any given evening, my house will still be there, in one piece.
No earthquakes, volcanos, or tsunamis on the right coast.
And the last tsunami on the left coast was...
1964, near as I can tell. I thought I'd read of a more recent one that was "harmless" (no deaths), but I can't verify that now.
That's about right I think. I was a little tyke at the time, but if I remember correctly, Oregon suffered little if any damage in 1964. I don't know about California. But here in the "balmy" Willamette Valley, we're relatively free from natural disaster. We have our times of bad weather, and the occasional river out of the banks, otherwise it's pretty darn average.