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Old Tue Jan 04, 2005, 11:48am
Blackhawk357 Blackhawk357 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 189
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rainmaker
One thing that's helped me a little is to tape a game. If you know while the game is going on that you can look at it later, it makes it easier to dismiss the whiners. Figure out what will work best for you, and then do it.

Juulie has a great point here. Video tape is a great tool. If you have any way to get a tape of the game, I'd do it. Seldom is a game tape from a school done as well as we'd like to see it, but it is still better than nothing.

One of the best things about reviewing a tape in this situation is that the emotion is gone and you can evaluate the job you did calmly. If you find something you think you missed, that's the first step. Go back and see if you can identify why. If you can find the source of the problem, then and only then, you can correct it.

You've already taken the biggest step, it's the one that takes the most fortitude, admitting that there could have been a problem and being committed to fixing it.

Good luck!
There's only one thing that makes the adrenalin run as high
as a packed house and a good ball game ~ Big Mule Deer!
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