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Old Tue Jan 04, 2005, 10:53am
David B David B is offline
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concentrate on what is happening now...

Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Hartsy
... but feel that I may come to some wrong conclusions with these outside influences unconsciously creeping into my thoughts.

What kind of things can I learn from games like this?
I speak from experience here, because I've had this problem too. You get to a point where nothing feels right, and you spend three days after the game second and third and fourth guessing every call and no-call. What you need to learn is how to augment the voices that are good for you to hear, and minimize everything else. How you do that depends on you. Some people use memorized affirmations, some hold imaginary conversations in their heads with a mentor or other friend. One thing that's helped me a little is to tape a game. If you know while the game is going on that you can look at it later, it makes it easier to dismiss the whiners. Figure out what will work best for you, and then do it.
We've all made calls where a minute later we might think, shoot I might have missed that one.

But, the game continues and with basketball so much happens so fast it makes it easy to quickly get off of that thought and get to the task at hand.

Concentrate on a certain play, tell yourself something to watch, (feet for a travel) (an off-ball screen) (weak side rebound) or (to referee the defense when in the lead).

A little self talk always gets me back to the game and with so much to watch, who has time to think about a missed call?

Anyway, that seems to have helped me a lot.


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