Situation: Runners on 2nd and 3rd. The runner from 3rd attempts to steal home, and the catcher either obstructs the batter or steps in front of the plate without the ball, in an attempt to put out the advancing runner. The runner at 2nd stays there.
In the NFHS case book, case 8.3.1, Situation B, it is very clear in stating that a runner is not eligible to advance on the infraction unless he was trying to steal. Also in rule 8-3-1c, "Each awarded one base when...he is attempting to steal or he is forced..." So the ruling in NFHS is the batter gets first and the stealing runner gets home. The runner at second is not eligible to advance because he was not stealing, nor was he forced.
Now, in 7.07 (OBR), my question is not whether the batter and the stealing runner from third advance a base, but what about the runner at second? Since in OBR, it is technically a balk, does he also advance a base? 7.07 is not clear in this, however I would assume the runner at 2nd also gets a base because of the balk.