We use 3 person in all state tournamant games. We have 3 conferences (of about 12-15) in the area that use 3 person in all conference games. The other conferences only use 3 person in "big games".
I have heard the lack of officials in number and cost are the big resistence factors.
Cost is not that much. Each teams plays about 10 home games a year (excluding thanksgiving and December holiday tournamants). So 10 boys + 10 girls = 20 varsity games at $46 per official = $ 920.00 a year.
In addition, the refs make $46 a game, the official scorers make $ 90- $100 for a prelim/varsity double or $45-50 a game. Same fee, no uniform, no training, no license, no insurance, no physical (and mental) involvement.