Sun Jan 02, 2005, 04:30pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
Originally posted by gordon30307
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by rainmaker
Words can hurt. Words can kill.
Words may hurt a person's feelings. But words don't kill. Words may incite someone to kill. But the person is responsible for his/her actions, not the words.
Words kill the spirit, which may not legally the same as killing the body, but it's tantamount to the same thing in the existential realities of life. Personally, I'd rather lose my body than my spirit. I know this is off-topic for this baord, and it seems like a small thing to people who haven't been killed in spirit. But I just can't stand to hear people justify themselves or others in damaging someone with words.
Gordon, you say you're an "adult" and can handle it. Fine. You still need to recognize that there are others who aren't and can't, and when you say "words can never hurt me" you are condoning the kind of damage that makes a person give up hope and lose all faith. That may not be what you meant to say, but there are people out there who hear that. It's better not to say it at all.
Stop yourself. Now you're being silly.
I do most seriously hope you aren't raising children.