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Old Sun Jan 02, 2005, 03:14pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by MJT
Sure, you CAN change it, but why not have a signal so this problem does NOT arise. Have the ump punch it in. If one wing goes up, the other can EASILY see that and stop his "he is down" signalling and there will be MUCH less trouble and will not look near as bad. This is simply what most crews do to eliminate a potential problem.
So you are advocating that even though one wing sees that the knee is down, he should ignore it if the opposite wing signals TD?
I have been out of town so I could not reply sooner. No, I am not saying if one sees a knee down he should ignore the other wing who goes up with TD signal. That would be wrong! The wings should comunicate as well on a situation like this before going up. They should be coming in at the end of the play and communicate before going up.

We have talked about this on our crew, and I am copying Texoma_LJ post above to review how we will handle these situations. We are similar to what Texoma_LJ does and we will solidify what we do with discussions from this post.
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