Thread: empty glove tag
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Old Tue May 08, 2001, 10:03am
Gee Gee is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 305
As you know, OBR #2 does not include a definition for BODY. JEA doesn't really clarify that. J/R does. They say that the tag of a base can be made by the "PERSON". OBR #2 interprets the "PERSON" to be the body, uniform and properly worn equipment.

J/R does not agree with JEA as to the tag. I will take from your post what JEA says about that.

"Unlike a catch, a legal tag is based on the status of the ball at the time the runner or base is touched and not on the final proof of possession".

J/R extends the definition of CATCH to their interpretation of TAG and includes proof of final posession. I.E. Intentional and voluntary release. Take your pick. G.

[Edited by Gee on May 8th, 2001 at 10:07 AM]
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