I too think this is an excellent topic...
Preventative umpiring can take on many different levels, from telling the pitcher to watch herself when she is in that nether world of being borderline illegal, to not allowing a coach to do stupid things (there is nothing that will kill a game quite like a lineup card problem) to an almost constant communication with your partners, and I don't care what level that you are working from an ASA National or Division 1 NCAA to a 10u Rec game... one of the things that I pregame with every umpire that I work with no matter the experience level is EYE CONTACT between hitters, and sometimes between every pitch a nod and quick glance can go along way to keeping everyone on the same page... I also want to know if my partner is gonna chase, which direction he is gonna go on the sharp line drive to the right fielder when in A all those little things that can happen...also communication during the play, calling out if someone has the backend in a rundown, as the old saying goes when you deviate communicate... There are numerous more but i'm beginning to get longwinded
[Edited by jstark23 on Dec 29th, 2004 at 11:49 PM]